I spent most of the weekend painting… Now this morning I’m a little worried. Are they too “cute”? I look at them and I love the quality of the line achieved by drawing with a brush, the subtle variations in line width. The absolute blackness of ink. I think of my own personal symbolism of a goldfish under a lilypad and the spiritual significance these images hold for me. Unless I stand there interpreting them, will anyone get a glimmer that they are more than just cute cartoon doodles? Or does that matter? I keep saying they are just meant to be fun. And maybe that is enough. I thought the speckling of the harbor seal’s fur was particularly effective and beautiful. Layers of watercolor, lifted here and there with drops of water, blotted.
The feeling is like stagefright. Now that I know my lines and blocking, I wonder if the script was ever that good to begin with. Always those doubts. But opening night is always such a rush. Same thing here. Friday and Saturday evenings will be awesome. Everyone will have fun. We’ll crowd into that unique space, shoulder to shoulder. Talk, laugh, love.
If anyone shows up at all.