Monthly Archives: September 2014

Higher Ed

I am thrilled to be able to give something back to this wonderful organization that has done so much for me, and for our community.

Dear Tim,

Thank you so much for hanging your wonderful art at our North Shore Campus and generously gifting us a percentage of your sales! We are a little off the beaten track, so I am delighted that people are starting to hear that your work is hanging here and wandering through to look at your pieces. Thank you!

You most recent check was sent to Duluth to be deposited in our endowment fund so sometime in the next month you should receive IRS notification from them of your contribution to Cook County Higher Education.

Thank you! Your work is a delight.

Paula Sundet Wolf, Ph.D.
Executive Director

Cook County Higher Education
North Shore Campus
Advanced Education and Training
300 West 3rd Street
P. O. Box 57
Grand Marais, MN 55604

Tall Pines

24″ x 48″, Acrylic on canvas. This one is for sale at Cascade Vacation Rentals in Tofte, MN.

24″ x 36″, Acrylic on canvas. This one is for sale at Cook County Higher Ed.

New Paintings at Cook County Higher Ed.

I have ten paintings at the Cook County Higher Education campus at the corner of 3rd St. and 3rd Ave. in Grand Marais. I’ll be adding a couple more in the coming days. Also, I have lowered the prices of the paintings in this location, as a portion of the proceeds goes to CCHE. Please support this wonderful organization. They have done so much for me, and many others in this community.