Monthly Archives: September 2016

from an interview, January 2014

My go-to medium is acrylic paint on canvas or wood. Once in a while on paper or other painting surfaces. But acrylic paint. It dries quickly, it’s bright, it’s rather forgiving, it’s non toxic, and it just works for me. A lot of people don’t like painting in acrylic because they say it dries too quickly, as opposed to oils where you have a long work time with it, but even with acrylic paint, I keep a fan by my easel and I’m often using a blow dryer or fan to make that acrylic paint dry faster. Because I paint very fast, and I want that paint to dry much quicker than it wants to.

Q: I want to know first how many talents you have.

A: How many talents I have? Well, I have only one talent, and that is communication. So it doesn’t really matter what medium I’m using. Whether I’m writing, or painting, or acting… Speaking in public. It all is communication. And I’m a nurse. Nursing is really so much about communication. It’s listening and responding. And that is what art is. My paintings are a story, whether that story is apparent when you look at it or not. Sometimes I’m not even aware of what the story is until afterwards when I’m interpreting it, or even just figuring it out for myself.