September. The calendar magically fills itself. Every square displays events. People want the fall color. So I sleep when I can, between work and meetings and celebrations.
I try to keep my eyes open… my mental and spiritual eyes… so that I take in as much as I can… as many opportunities to appreciate the season of plenty… as many opportunities to hug. To make a new friend. To grow.
The time and scenery of life zip past my backwards facing seat in the back of god’s station wagon. I can’t see what’s up ahead, but I know my father is at the wheel, taking me someplace good.
That highway of life has many exits and on-ramps, so the company on the road changes constantly.
We travel side by side, or we pick up a hitchhiker. Someone who needs a ride for a while.
We share our stories, and then we become a part of each other’s story when our paths diverge.
The scribbled notes on September become real life events, and often surprise me, because the chore or obligation I saw as a speed bump actually turns out to be a beautiful excursion or photo opportunity.