Just as in my paintings, I have certain recurring themes in my writing. It’s not because I’ve run out of things to say. It’s because there are certain things that are so important to me that I want to express them again. And again. On a new day. With different words.
Roses keep smelling like roses, and no one rolls their eyes and says they’re repeating themselves.
I am so grateful and so humbled by the support that has come to me from my community.
The words people say to me boggle my mind. When I am riddled with self doubt, people tell me I am an inspiration. When I think I am boring people, they say I am articulate. When I feel like I am crazy, I am told that I am filled with so much love.
I am filled with so much love.
So much love that it hurts sometimes.
To those who have contributed to my GoFundMe campaign, to those who bid so generously on my paintings to support the expansion of my family, to the anonymous person who set up a recurring deposit into my bank account, to those who have voiced their support through Facebook comments, and those who give me hugs when they see me around town… I can not find the words to adequately express my thanks.
If you think I am performing some noble feat to help someone in need, YOU ARE.
You sacrifice to help make my dream a reality.
I just had the best weekend I have had in over 22 years.
Everywhere we went, we were met with such warmth and attention. Here’s that word again… such love.
I saw this town and the world through a new set of eyes.
Thank you.
I love you.