The Magic of Family

I’m laying in a hotel bathtub somewhere in southern Minnesota. I didn’t sleep much, which is no surprise.

I’m grateful to all the people who help my family. Today will be jam packed with meetings and appointments, followed by the long drive home so that I can get up early for work tomorrow.

A little over two years ago, I had the idea to grow my family again. To be honest, I was surprised that I was able to pull it off! I thought my age and marital status would be roadblocks to adopting again, 23 years after I last adopted.

I didn’t really think too much about the concerns that intimidate many at the thought of adopting multiple kids… older kids… kids with special needs.

Here I am, with those hurdles behind me.

It’s hard to imagine my life without my kids. As our caseworker has said many times, we were a good match.

The magic of family happened late for us. We lived a lot before we came into each other’s’ lives, and now my youngest is an adult. He has one more year of high school, and I am not ready to be an empty nester again.

Is this for everyone? No.

Once again, I am grateful to all the people who help us. Not only the caseworkers, therapists, teachers, doctors and other support workers, but the family and friends who love and support us. Your words and smiles mean so much, and we look forward to hugs again.

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